kure beach – day seven

Today was another beautiful sunny morning!   Todd, Ralph, and Mike took all the kids to the local aquarium before lunch (we are blessed with some amazing men as husbands!).   Mom and Dad went out shopping for t-shirts for the family picture on Friday.  Anna, Deb, and I enjoyed a QUIET house for a couple of hours!  After lunch, we did some more of the same…..hanging out on the beach and by the pool!  What a life!  🙂  The kids buried each other in the sand and built sand castles.  Todd caught a lizard and Andrew named it Speedy since he was a quick little sucker to catch!  Todd was the hero of the day!

I made chicken salad for dinner with hot dogs for the kids…another yummy meal!   Todd & Deb had their date night tonight at the Lazy Pirate…an all-inclusive resort!  LOL!